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Pupil Premium

At Priory, all staff have high aspirations and ambitions for all of our children and are dedicated to providing the highest quality education and opportunity to all. We strongly believe that by overcoming barriers, all children can make outstanding progress and achieve great things.

The Pupil Premium funding that we receive from the Government, allows us to break down these barriers for children, enabling them to have the same chance in life as everybody else. Barriers that range from low self-esteem, difficulty in reading, social difficulties, poor mental health or poor relationships with their peers and many other examples. In order to break down these barriers, we listen to our children as individuals and personalise their learning through effective use of Pupil Premium funding.

The documents below detail the funding and the impact of the spending for last year, as well as our intentions for spending for the year ahead. 

Our use of Pupil Premium funding at Priory was reviewed in June 2015 and again in February 2017. The report celebrated many strengths:

  • The Head and Assistant Head, in charge of PP, have a strong strategic overview of standards. They are clear about strengths in the school and have identified areas which need developing.
  • The identification of pupils who need intervention and their barriers to learning.
  • Development of tracking of PP children using entry and exit data.
  • Allocation of funds is clearly defined and can be tracked.
  • Engaging with parents is a growing strength. This is shown through the beginning of structured conversations, increased participation in consultation sessions, improved attendance at Year 6 SAT’s meetings and improved communication through the use of a new school app.
  • Children spoke confidently and with a sense of pride. Behaviour was good and well managed. Children in corridors were polite and exhibited good manners.
  • Where teaching is good children have been exposed to an increasing amount of problem solving e.g. Captain Conjecture. There was evidence of progress in some Literacy books and some children demonstrated good standards of presentation. However, this was not consistent.
  • Nursery children were very well engaged, showing independence and the ability to stay on task.

Pupil Premium Policy 2022-2023

Please ensure that you have checked whether your child/children are entitled to this extra funding and complete the relevant paperwork so that we can ensure they access every resource that they are entitled to. Ask in the school office if you are unsure, we are here to help.


Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2027


Pupil Premium Statement 2021-2024


Pupil Premium Statement 2020-2021

Relevant Documents Relating to Pupil Premium - 2019-2020

Intended Pupil Premium Spending 2019-2020

Pupil Premium Strategy 2019 - 2020

School Pupil Premium Impact Statement 2019