Dudley Admissions Service is the main point of contact for all matters concerning school admissions, all the information you will need can be found here -
Admissions can also be contacted via Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345
Applications made during the year (ie In-Year Admissions).
Applications received for places in year groups other than at the normal age of entry to primary school will be treated as in-year admissions and are co-ordinated by the LA Admissions Service.
Dudley Admissions Policy
All preferences, regardless of ranking, will be assessed against the following criteria to allocate the available places to those community and voluntary controlled primary schools that are oversubscribed ie receive more applications than can be accommodated.
- a) First priority will be given to relevant “looked after children”
- b) Second priority shall be given to children with a “serious and ongoing medical condition” where the preferred school is the most appropriate to meet the condition. (please see the admissions booklet for more information)
- c) Third priority for admission shall be given to children who have a brother/sister, half brother/sister (where the children share one common parent), or step-brother/step-sister, living at the same address and who will still be attending the preferred school in the academic year 2020-21.
- d) Any places that remain available once the above applicants have been admitted will be filled according to those children who live closest to the school, determined by a straight line measurement from the home address to the main entrance of the school.
All applications are processed by your home LA and the decision is made by the Admissions Service regarding places. Birmingham, Dudley, Sandwell, Staffordshire, Walsall, Wolverhampton and Worcestershire (LAs) have agreed to co-ordinate applications for their schools. You are encouraged to apply online. The Admissions Service informs parents by letter / email of the school to which their child has been allocated a place.
School admissions: How to appeal If your child is refused a place, you can appeal against it. Primary reception intake If your child has been refused a place in your preferred school(s) this will be because the school(s) received more applications than available places and other children had a higher priority in accordance with the admissions criteria. Your refusal was made on the grounds of Infant Class Size Legislation, with the exception of those few schools listed in your letter. You have the right to appeal against this decision; we advise you read and understand the grounds of Infant Class Size appeals before submitting your appeal. Please refer to the statistics below, given the limited nature of the possible grounds on which an appeal may be allowed under Infant Class Size. Appeals will be heard in accordance with the following timetable:
School admissions: appeal application |