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Design & Technology

Design and Technology is an inspiring, creative and practical subject. It allows children to learn to think creatively and to solve problems both as individuals and as part of a team. At Priory Primary we strive to develop children’s skills through collaborative working and problem-solving. The children are taught to use their creativity and imagination, to design and make products within a variety of contexts, considering their own needs as well as the needs of others’. Children are given opportunities to reflect upon and evaluate past and present design technology, its uses and its effectiveness and are encouraged to become innovators and risk-takers. Design and technology is a cross-curricular subject allowing children to understand concepts and knowledge learnt in other subjects such as the properties of materials, linking to science and the practice of measuring accurately which tie in with maths, as well as linking with our history topics, bringing learning to life.  

Through a variety of both creative and practical activities, we teach the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in the process of designing and making. The children design and create products that consider function and purpose and which are relevant to a range of different areas.

When designing and making, the children are taught to:

• use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose, aimed at particular individuals or groups.
• generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated sketches, cross-sectional diagrams, prototypes, pattern pieces and start to incorporate computer-aided design.

• select from and use a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks (for example, cutting, shaping, joining and finishing, as well as chopping and slicing) accurately.
• select from and use a wider range of materials, ingredients and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their functional properties, aesthetic qualities and, where appropriate, taste.

• investigate and analyse a range of existing products.
• evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work.

Technical knowledge:
• apply their understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more complex structures.
• understand and use mechanical systems in their products.
• understand and use electrical systems in their products.
• apply their understanding of computing to program, monitor and control their products
• Understand some of the ways that food can be processed and the effect of different cooking practices (including baking and grilling).

By the time children leave Priory Primary, they are expected to:
• develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world.
• build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users and critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others.
• understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook. Children will design and make a range of products. A good quality finish will be expected in all design and activities made appropriate to the age and ability of the child.

Children learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, and capable citizens in their daily life as well as within the wider world. Providing them with a foundation to lifelong skills.

Curriculum Map

DT Overview


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Aspect of DT: Mechanisms

Focus: Sliders and Levers

Moving Pictures




Aspect of DT: Mechanisms

Focus: Wheels and axles

Making a vehicle




Aspect of DT: Structures

Focus: Shell structures using computer- aided design

Broken Biscuits



Aspect of DT: Food

Focus: Healthy and varied diet






Aspect of DT: Food

Focus: Celebrating culture and seasonality

Ginger biscuits for an advent calendar


Aspect of DT: Food

Focus: Celebrating culture and seasonality





Aspect of DT: Structures


Focus: Freestanding structures


Furniture for the 3 bears

Aspect of DT: Textiles


Focus: Templates and joining techniques


Glove puppet

Aspect of DT: Food


Focus: Healthy and varied diet


Sandwich snacks


Aspect of DT: Mechanical systems


Focus: Lever and Linkages



Aspect of DT: Structures



Frame structures


Bird Hide


Aspect of DT: Textiles


Focus: Using computer-aided design in textiles


Designer Bags


Aspect of DT:


Food Focus: Preparing fruit and vegetable




Aspect of DT:


Food Focus: Preparing vegetables




Aspect of DT: Textiles


Focus: 2D shape to 3D product Making an apron



Aspect of DT: Electrical systems


Focus: Simple Programming and Control



Aspect of DT: Electrical systems


Focus: Monitoring and control Alarming Vehicles


Aspect of DT: Mechanical systems


Focus: Cams, Pulleys and Gears Mechanisms with a message

Skills Progression in Design & Technology 

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks e.g. cutting, shaping, joining and finishing

Build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable

Use wheels and axles in a product

Use simple tools with help to prepare food dishes safely

Choose appropriate tools, equipment, techniques and materials from a wide range

Explore and use mechanisms e.g. levers, sliders, wheels and axles, in his/her products

Select from and use a wide range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their characteristics

Safely measure, mark out, cut, assemble and join with some accuracy

Make suitable choices from a wider range of tools

Understand how to strengthen frames

Understand how mechanical systems create movement

Use techniques which require more accuracy to cut, shape, join and finish his/her work

Apply techniques he/she has learnt to strengthen structures and explore his/her own ideas

Prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes using a range of cooking techniques

Make careful and precise measurements

Apply his/her knowledge of different materials, tools and techniques

Understand how to use more complex mechanical and electrical systems

Select appropriate ingredients and use a wide range of techniques to combine them

Apply his/her knowledge of materials and techniques to refine and rework his/her product to improve its functional properties and aesthetic qualities

Prepare and cook a savoury dish, applying his/her knowledge of technical skills, understanding a varied base of ingredients

Knowledge Progression in Design & Technology

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Create simple designs for a product

Begin to discuss what healthy foods are, say where some food comes from and give examples of food that is grown

Create simple designs for a product

Begin to discuss what healthy foods are, say where some food comes from and give examples of food that is grown

Design purposeful, functional, appealing products for him/herself and other users based on design criteria

Generate, develop, model and communicate his/her ideas through talking, drawing, templates, mock-ups and, where appropriate, information and communication technology

Evaluate and assess existing products

Evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria

Understand the need for a variety of food in a diet

Understand where food comes from

Design purposeful, functional, appealing products for him/herself and other users based on design criteria

Generate, develop, model and communicate his/her ideas through talking, drawing, templates, mock-ups and, where appropriate, information and communication technology

Evaluate and assess existing products

Evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria

Understand the need for a variety of food in a diet

Understand where food comes from

Use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes

Use knowledge of existing products to design his/her own functional product

Create designs using annotated sketches, crosssectional diagrams and simple computer programmes

Investigate and analyse existing products

Talk about the different food groups and name foods from each group

Use knowledge of existing products to design his/her own functional product

Create designs using annotated sketches, crosssectional diagrams and simple computer programmes

Investigate and analyse existing products

Talk about the different food groups and name foods from each group

Use knowledge of existing products to design a functional and appealing product for a particular purpose and audience

Use his/her knowledge of techniques and the function of aesthetic qualities of a wide range of materials to plan how to use them

Consider how his/her own finished products might be improved and how well they meet the needs of the intended user

Understand what makes a healthy and balanced diet

Understand seasonality

Use knowledge of existing products to design a functional and appealing product for a particular purpose and audience

Use his/her knowledge of techniques and the function of aesthetic qualities of a wide range of materials to plan how to use them

Consider how his/her own finished products might be improved and how well they meet the needs of the intended user

Understand what makes a healthy and balanced diet

Understand seasonality

Understand that food has to be grown, farmed or caught in Europe and the wider world

Use his/her research into existing products and his/her market research to inform the design of his/her own innovative product

Create prototypes to show his/her ideas

Make detailed evaluations about existing products and his/her own considering the views of others to improve his/her work

Understand how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed

Use his/her research into existing products and his/her market research to inform the design of his/her own innovative product

Create prototypes to show his/her ideas

Make detailed evaluations about existing products and his/her own considering the views of others to improve his/her work

Understand how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed

Use research to inform the design of his/her own innovative products

Generate, develop, model and communicate his/her ideas through discussion, annotated sketches

Explain the effectiveness of existing products

Understand how key events and individuals in DT have helped shape the world

Use research to inform the design of his/her own innovative products

Generate, develop, model and communicate his/her ideas through discussion, annotated sketches

Explain the effectiveness of existing products

Understand how key events and individuals in DT have helped shape the world