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Religious Education will develop children’s knowledge and understanding of different religious traditions and cultures, which will allow them to have an awareness of the world around them. The curriculum will allow children to deepen their thinking and make connections between their lives and the lives of others. Thus enabling them to have mutual respect, understand the importance of religion and the sense of belonging. RE offers children the opportunities to reflect on their own beliefs and values along with respecting those within the school and wider community.

The key principles which underpin religious education are reflected in the two attainment targets:

Attainment Target 1 - Learning about religion

Attainment Target 2 - Learning from religion


Religious education is an important aspect of a broad and balanced curriculum for all children which offers children the opportunities to look at religion through different avenues, for example; 

  • Exploring images and stories
  • Discussions regarding key issues
  • Exploring and discussing religious artefacts
  • Comparing different religions and their beliefs
  • Acquire knowledge and an understanding of religious views and values
  • Understanding the importance of mutual respect, diversity and a sense of belonging
  • Partaking in whole school events such as Harvest Festival, school performances and religious festivals


  • Extent and further children’s knowledge and understanding of different religions and their beliefs
  • Develop an understanding of religious vocabulary
  • Contribute to discussions regarding religion and beliefs
  • Understanding the importance of religion and faith to individuals
  • Make links between their own lives and those of others in their community


Curriculum Map